June 19, 2016

Veterans are Not a Charity

I read that charitable contributions in America are way up. That's good!
But some issues (like Veterans) are not a charitable cause, they are a national responsibility.
It's nice that Americans give money to Veteran groups and they should, but that should not be the way most Veterans get the federally promised benefits they deserve. A burn unit for Veterans was built in Arizona with charitable donations. Great! But how come that unit was not funded by American taxpayers whose responsibility it is to pay for Veterans care? Charitable groups paid for bullet proof vests for our troops. Great! But how come the American taxpayer isn't paying for such a basic need for our soldiers?
Bush cut federal funding for Veterans DURING the Iraq war, yet, he claimed the patriotism of being the party of the serviceman. Then a Veterans health scandal hits while Obama is president and Obama is blamed. Could it be that situation was created by Bush's cut in Veteran funding?
America is not cheap and our parents and grandparents understood that, which is why they taxed themselves at more than twice the rate we tax ourselves and created the greatest middle class ever known to humankind. They didn't pass on their debt to their offspring, because they understood that was their responsibility, not the responsibility of their offspring.
It's the spoiled baby boomers who decided to not pay for federal expenses. They were/are the "No New Tax" generation. Within one generation (30 years) we have piled up an almost 20 trillion dollar debt, and climbing.  No surprise, the boomers have always been out for their own gratification regardless of the consequences. From sex, drugs, and rock and roll, to an unnecessary Iraq war, They want what they want, but they don't want to pay for it. So we pass it on to our children and our grandchildren. How irresponsible. How immoral.

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