August 4, 2016

The War on ISIS

As I write this, the president is about to give a press conference. The press conference is about the progress on the war on ISIS.
Few people know, because the media is to busy covering every idiot thing Trump says, that we are pounding ISIS.
You won't here about that on NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and certainly not FOX. If you seek out the information on the progress on the war, it is readily available. It's amazing the right hasn't said a word about it, especially since they are claiming Obama is doing nothing about ISIS, which of course, is just another lie about Obama from the Republicans.
Obama is prosecuting the war exactly as he said he would and is having great success. ISIS is basically beaten on the field. Their tactics are changing because of their defeats on the field. It's the attacks around the world by small groups sometimes individuals that make the news and are killing people.
We are at war. If you want to criticize the president on how he is prosecuting the war, then you have to know what is actually happening. While Trump was making headlines with his vitriol, our soldiers killed 250 of the enemy in one attack.
And where are all those Republican pro military activists? No cheers for our victories? No cheers for our brave soldiers? How about it Sen. McCain?
So back to the Republicans bitching about Obama doing nothing about ISIS, while he is winning the war against ISIS. Republicans prove their hypocrisy again. 

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