December 9, 2016

Trump Is Hitler

The liberal haters are still at it. Trump is Hitler! Trump is Hitler! Trump is Hitler!
Their lack of history is astounding. Their passion for hate is unbounded. It's funny how the most hateful of all are the same that attack this blog and stole my posts. RN, Dervish, Dog, Shaw, and and the rest of their hate filled crowd.
No discussion by them of what strategies might be used to stop Trumps decisions and legislation, or what their priorities are as to where to even start. They are having to much fun screaming hate to actually do anything about the Hitler they fear so badly.
I'm not going to spend the next four years simply screaming Trump is Hitler, nor am I going to even listen to their hate. I'm sure these idiot liberals will vote for Trump's disasters, just as they voted for Bush's lies, wars, and killing innocent people. All it will take is another attack against America and they will all line up to support whatever illegal, unconstitutional act of violence and killing Trumps wants to do. And I can just hear another round of calling people traitors for not supporting whatever violence Trump wants to inflict on innocent people. They will be duped just as the German people were in the 1930's.
Good luck to the haters. They will just tear this country further apart and make worse what they claim they don't want. They had plenty of practice calling Bush Hitler as they went along with his killing. Acting against their own self interest seems to be an American behavior now made an American tradition.

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