July 8, 2016

American Streets Running Red With Blood

Violence has always been a part of the American character. Thanks to technology, now we can kill dozens in seconds. We don't even have time to morn the dead from one incident, before another incident happens.
I know, guns don't kill people, people kill people. That's wrong, simplistic thinking and an insult to those trying to stop the massacres. No other weapon can kill so many, in such little time. It is the killers choice of weapon, so please no dumb ice pick, baseball bat, or knife comparisons. 
Cops killing citizens, citizens killing cops. Everyone armed to the teeth and angry as hell. Deadly force use to be the last resort. Now guns are the first thing everyone grabs. A fist fight ends in gun shot deaths. Children killing, or getting killed with a gun they should not have had. Our Congress can't even vote to stop suspected terrorists from buying a gun, or reenact a ban on these weapons, which used to be the law of the land. Inaction costs lives, so this do nothing Congress has to take its part of the blame.
These killers come from our ranks. There are many different recipes that make murder and Americans seem to have found all of those recipes.   
Our right is killing us; and we are just going to let that happen? The stat, that some 33,000 people a year die by gunshot, is proof enough.
By the way, the dead and injured in Dallas were taken to Parkland hospital for care. Which reminded me of the first time I thought the second amendment needed a rewrite. The day president Kennedy was assassinated just blocks away from where these shootings took place tonight in Dallas. 


Paul said...

Additionally, I left this comment at SQUATLO RANT:

Curious that a highly educated society like ours can't figure this out. No amount of book learning can take the bigotry and stupidity out of people. How do we end up with a person smart enough to be a pediatric neurosurgeon, yet, believes the world is only 6,000 years old? How do we end up with cops who shoot first and ask questions later, with the best training from the so called brightest minds? How can our best and brightest run this country in to the ground? How can a generation who started out chanting peace, love, stop war, end up being the most selfish generation and produce the hate filled, deadly society we have now? How can a society drenched in the so called secrets of peaceful living (from religion to cults to health advise) be so violent?
Like most bloggers I wrote a post, you can read it. It doesn't offer some secret solution. The enlightened men who started our government and country, were violent bigots, who revolted against even worse violent bigots. This is our character. To those who say we have come a long way from them, you must be one of those highly educated, who just don't get it.
After only blogging for 48 hours I was attacked by the most hate filled scum imaginable. It's not hard to imagine, that given a real motivation to be mad, they would be totally capable of killing. If there is a secret to stopping all this it has to be getting rid of the hate towards each other.
Sorry for the rant. The words just spew out, even though they don't make sense, or offer solutions.

squatlo said...

Well written, Luke. Sorry if you've attracted the attention of some trolls, but that's part of the deal, I'm afraid.

Paul said...

Thanks for stopping by squatlo. One comment from you is worth the 100 I get from the trolls. At least they are not shooting at me, but if they knew where I live, I'd probably have to duck a lot.

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