November 13, 2016

Red Neck Nation Votes

Similar to Truman's win, all the polls and news outlets had Clinton winning right up to and including election day. They all got it wrong.
Trump won the Electoral College, but lost the popular vote. It's a stipulation of the Constitution that the Electoral College elects the president, not the popular vote. We have lived with that legal reality for over 240 years. Yet, the crybaby liberals refuse to accept Trump as the legal and fair winner. That's funny given the liberals were screaming about Trump possibly not accepting Clinton as the fair winner, if she won. So the liberals are now acting like Trump, funny.
There is a strategy by liberals to change the Electoral College vote before the Electoral College meets and votes on December 19th. The liberals need to change the vote of 37 Electoral College voters to have Clinton declared president. Good luck with that.
The mathematical possibility that the winner of the most votes would lose the Electoral College has always existed, but it has only happened a few times in the history of our country. The Democrats expressed sour grapes after the 2000 election, but never moved to amend the Constitution and eliminate the Electoral College. Now many (including the ex AG Eric Holder) are calling for amending the Constitution and eliminating the Electoral College. The problem of course, is gerrymandering, which the Democrats could change easier than amending the Constitution, which takes the approval of 2/3's of the States, both the Senate and the House, and of course the presidents signature. The cries of an illegitimate election are false and just a reaction by sore losers.
The difference between a Trump administration and an Obama administration could not be more diametrically opposed. The personal styles and presentation of Obama compared to Trump are as different as night and day. Obama is an intellectual with class and probably the best oratory skills of any president including Kennedy. Trump is nothing more than a carnival barker with the oratory of a bar fly drunk and the morals of a 19th century bigot.
So how could half of our 21st century people vote for such 19th century vulgarity and bigotry? We have to admit that over the last 50 years our oral and visual utterances have become more vulgar, for a mixture of reasons, including court decisions of free speech and social norms. As we allow the coarsening of our speech and visuals, we forgot that responsibility has to be part of our Constitutional rights. It's not enough to simply accept that people can say, show, and do whatever they want without a counter voice of responsible speech and images. I'm not talking about legal constraints, but people's acceptance of what is publicly acceptable. I'm not talking about legal censorship, but personal censorship, especially when it comes to our children. To me, the most biting political ad I saw was Clinton's ad showing children watching Trump on TV uttering his vulgar oratory. If Trump had been in a school talking to children, he would have been asked to leave. Yet, it's OK to allow that kind of oral vulgarity to enter our living rooms, because he is on TV? We created this monster through our acceptance of past political and social deterioration of oral and visual vulgarity. We reject our authorities using censorship, so here we are.      
The bigotry and racism is something we have tried to suppress with some success, but humans are flawed. Bigotry and racism are learned traits, and it appears many of our parents are teaching traits we publicly claim to abhor. This proves to me that legislation to curb bigotry and racism is needed and we need more. There is a difference between personal and public behavior. I wish the rejection of people would be enough to suppress such vile words, or behavior, but we know it's not. The hypocrites that call themselves liberals have to take some responsibility for the excessive vulgarity in society, that this election has proven to be acceptable.
These hypocritical liberals are ridiculous. Their hate knows no bounds. Then after Trump was declared the winner,  they shut down their blog, they shut down their comment sections, they said publicly the election was a fraud, they cried publicly that this election was a devastation to all good Americans, they claimed "Clinton won the popular vote" which is not the Constitutional determination of the winner of a presidential election.
I chastised Republicans for being sore losers. for obstructing everything Obama proposed even though some of those proposals were Republican ideas. For putting party before country. For claiming Obama was an illegitimate president because he was not a legal American. A racist stance if ever there was one. For wishing our new black president ill and treating him without respect. I can do no different for these ugly, mean spirited Liberals and their evil words for our new president elect. Oppose Trump, as you must! But he is no Hitler! He is a reflection of ourselves, believe that, or not. He IS going to be our president, like that, or not. He already stated that he will not seek to eliminate Obama care, but will tweak it. Gee, that's exactly what Clinton promised, and the liberals loved it.
The next 4 years should be fun and strange. And OMG imagine 8 years of Trump. That's a distinct possibility given the history of our presidential terms. So cry all you want liberals! Your hate helped make Trump president, now live with it!

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